华西都市报 -A16 少年派-
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  • ·把会耍刻进DNA 四川人打牌都能成非遗?




把会耍刻进DNA 四川人打牌都能成非遗?

Sichuan\\\'s DNA of Leisure: Card Playing as Intangible Cultural Heritage





  Erqishi, also known as Bridge, is a kind of card game popular in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, which was listed in the first batch of municipal intangible cultural heritage of Leshan City in 2006, and also traveled from Leshan to France, and was collected by the World Museum of Playing Cards in Paris.
  The deck is composed of 1 to 10, but the gameplay is so varied that people never get tired of playing it, and it is a kind of social card game unique to Leshan.
  When you walk into Leshan Park, you will surely find such a scene: People are playing Ershiqi on the streets, alleys, and bridges.
  Li Dezhang is a promoter of Leshan Bridge. Ershiqi competition is held annually in Leshan, where he is invited to participate as a judge.
  According to Li Dezhang, the culture of Erqishi is also known as the culture of bamboo sticks or dock culture, and its history can be traced back more than 200 years to the Qing Dynasty period when the road and water transportation in Wutongqiao were thriving. During that time, after a dockworker carried a bag of salt or a basket of coal, they would be given a bamboo stick. In their leisure time, the dockworkers would play card games with these bamboo sticks for fun. Eventually, these bamboo stick games evolved into paper card games, and further into the bridge card games we play today.
  “The way of three people playing cards adds to a more enjoyable life.”Li Dezhang hopes that this interesting intangible cultural heritage culture will be known and passed on to more young people.
  中文作者:华西都市报-封面新闻记者 欧阳晨雨 徐瑛蔓
  英文作者:四川国际传播中心记者刘动摄影:欧阳晨雨 徐瑛蔓